Statistics for Claybikeltd:
- 98 % of developers have less apps
- 2 % of developers have more apps
Drop the Star (com.happyangel.dropthestar)
Evolve SMS Retro Theme (com.lehoang.evolveretro)
Chronus: Simple Weather Icons (com.lehoang.simpleicon)
Chronus: Amigo Weather Icons (com.lehoang.chronusamigo)
Chronus Flat Colors Icons (com.lehoang.flatcolors)
Talon Futuristic Theme (com.lehoang.talonfuturistic)
Apollo Themes Wood (com.lehoang.apollowoodnew)
Apollo Themes Christmas (com.lehoang.apollochristmas)
Apollo Themes Glowing Blue (com.lehoang.glowingbluenew)
TaskS2 (com.lehoang.tasks2)
Base (com.lehoang.base)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.