Statistics for CriGio:
- 91 % of developers have less apps
- 8 % of developers have more apps
Inverted Carbon CM12/12.1 (com.inverted.carbon.themes)
Inverted Marble CM12/12.1 (com.inverted.marble.themes)
Dell Green CM12 THEME (
Lazy DARK CM12 THEME (com.smooth.material.dark)
Bianco CM12/CM12.1 (com.bianco.pop.smooth)
Hazy Smooth WHITE CM11 THEME (com.smooth.material.theme)
Lazy WHITE CM12 THEME (com.white.lazy.theme)
Circle Green CM12/12.1 THEME (
AnimUI CM11 THEME DARK (com.cos.smooth.dark)
AnimUI CM11 THEME WHITE (com.cos.smooth.theme)
Peeaf RRO/LAYERS/M (com.peaf.layers)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.