Statistics for Guava7:
- 90 % of developers have less apps
- 9 % of developers have more apps
Octopus Go Up (com.guava7.octopusgoup)
42 Monsters (com.guava7.monsters42)
Let It Pass (com.guava7.googleplay.letitpass)
Crazy Spring Jump (com.guava7.googleplay.csj)
Whack the Zombies (com.guava7.googleplay.whackthezombies)
Ninja vs. Bomb (com.guava7.googleplay.ninjavsbomb)
Zombie Minefield (com.guava7.googleplay.zombieminefield)
Cerberus: The Puppy (com.guava7.cerberus)
Game42 - Board game collection (com.guava7.game42)
Ghostsweeper - horror game (com.guava7.ghostsweeper)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.