Statistics for Kxnt:
- 96 % of developers have less apps
- 4 % of developers have more apps
Switch UI - Icon Pack (com.launchertheme.kxnt.switchui)
Click UI - Icon Pack (
Minimal UI - Icon Pack (com.launchertheme.kxnt.ui)
Pop UI - Icon Pack (com.launchertheme.kxnt.pop)
Glasklart - Icon Pack (com.go.launcherex.theme.kxnt.glasklart)
Dash UI - Icon Pack (com.launchertheme.kxnt.dash)
Trinity Wallpaper Pack (com.kxnt.wallpaperpack)
Go SMS Theme Minimal OS 7 (com.jb.gosms.theme.kxnt.ios)
Torrid Teal CM10 Theme (com.kxnt.torrid.teal)
GOContacts Theme Holo Purple (com.gocontactskxntholopurpletheme)
GOContacts Theme Holo Green (com.gocontactskxnthologreentheme)
GOContacts Theme Holo Red (com.gocontactskxntholoredtheme)
GOContacts Theme Holo Blue (com.gocontactskxntholobluetheme)
Minimal X Go Launcher Locker (com.golockerkxntnexustheme)
GOContacts Theme Jelly Bean (com.gocontactskxntjellybeantheme)
Go SMS Theme Minimal UI (com.jb.gosms.theme.kxnt.miui)
Go SMS Theme Holo Purple ICS (com.jb.gosms.theme.kxnt.holo.purple)
Go SMS Theme Black Minimal (
Go SMS Theme Neon Pixelz (com.jb.gosms.theme.kxnt.neon)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.