Statistics for NorthBridge:
- 91 % of developers have less apps
- 8 % of developers have more apps
WiFi Signal Strength (com.northbridge.wifisignalstrength)
Hidden Cam Scare Your Friends (com.northbridge.hiddencamerascareyourfriends)
Fast Tap (com.northbridge.fasttapfree)
Fast Tap Pro (com.northbridge.fasttap)
Pulse Finder (com.northbridge.pulsefinder)
Camera Tag (com.northbridge.cameratag)
Reaction Test (com.jarikmudrow.reactiontest)
Scare Your Friends (com.northbridge.scareyourfriends)
Gears of War Headshot (com.jarikmudrow.gearsofwarheadshot)
Multi Counter (com.jarikmudrow.multicounter)
Simple Score Keeper Deluxe (com.jarikmudrow.simplescorekeeperdeluxe)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.