Statistics for SmartphoneRemote:
- 91 % of developers have less apps
- 8 % of developers have more apps
GoPro Remote for SmartWatch 2 (com.smartphoneremote.gopro)
DroidScript - JavaScript IDE (com.smartphoneremote.androidscriptfree)
Wifi Jukebox - Social Music (com.smartphoneremote.wifijukebox)
NXT Script (Lego Mindstorms) (com.smartphoneremote.nxtscript)
Watcher - SmartWatch 2 Camera (com.smartphoneremote.watcher)
IOIO Script - Easy Programming (com.smartphoneremote.ioioscript)
NXT Camera (LEGO MINDSTORMS) (com.smartphoneremote.nxtcam)
Media Player Remote iTunes+WMP (com.smartphoneremote.mpremote)
NXT Remote (LEGO MINDSTORMS) (com.smartphoneremote.nxtremote)
Watcher - Android Wear Camera (com.smartphoneremote.watcherwear)
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