Statistics for Tajchert:
- 94 % of developers have less apps
- 5 % of developers have more apps
QR Codes for Smartwatch 2 (com.tajchert.smartextensionqr)
Business Card Wear (pl.tajchert.businesscardwear)
Paste & Share for Smartwatch 2 (com.tajchert.smartextensionpasteshare)
Spritzer Wear (pl.tajchert.spritzerwear)
PaperWear (pl.tajchert.paperwear)
Tablica Rejestracyjna (pl.tajchert.tablicarejestracyjna)
Wear Bank Codes (
SWear Weather (pl.tajchert.swear)
Bitcoin for Smartwatch 2 (com.tajchert.smartextensionbitcoin)
12Hours (com.tajchert.hours)
CryptoCoins (com.tajchert.cryptsy)
MineWatcher Beta (com.tajchert.polminewatcher)
Kolej Rogowska (com.tajchert.KolejRogowskaWask)
PlayerStats (pl.tajchert.playerstats)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.