Statistics for Wintrino:
- 94 % of developers have less apps
- 5 % of developers have more apps
Tic Tac Toe (com.tictactoe.wintrino)
Memory (pairs) (com.wintrino.memorygame)
Bubble break (com.wintrino.samegame)
Thermometer (com.thermometer.wintrino)
Four In A Line (com.FourInaRow.wintrino)
Sudoku (com.sudoku.wintrino)
Bubble Pop (com.bubble.pop.wintrino)
Break The Bricks (com.breakthebricks.wintrino)
Kids math game (com.kidsmath.wintrino)
Minesweeper (com.minesweeper.wintrino)
Magic Camel (com.MagicCamel.wintrino)
BlackJack (com.blackjack.wintrino)
Stopwatch (com.wintrino.stopwatch)
Loan calculator (com.wintrino.loancalc)
Checkers (com.checkers)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.