Runatalk. Runic divination. (air.RunaENG) on Google Play
The ancient German word “runen” means “the mystery”,” the whisper”.The Runes origin is covered by the mystery of the centuries. First Runic monuments are dated first century A.D., but the symbols of Runes came from the early ages and are to be found at cave paintings.At the beginning only the shamans got the privilege to know how to write Runes, and they’ve been used only in magic.The true sense of Runes we can get now only from the translated “Sayings of the High one” of the “Elder Edda” and from the few references in Sagas.Runes are very complicated instruments of the applied magic. As a product of its age, and as the world goes to entropy, using these Runes is easier to destroy, than to create. That’s why you have to be very cautious while using Runes.Magic exists.Application “Divination on Runes” is done for real warriors of spirit. Using it you can adjust the reality with the Runes’ knowledge, divining and stranding the clues of the fate under your wish.Using this application, please, don’t wait for the plums will fall into your mouth. To work with it you have to understand and feel deeply the mystery of the Runes, to touch the ground and find the true answer of your question. Remember, that Runes, even If it is the exact instrument, directly depends of the Magician, who reads it. The same as the scalpel is evenly sharp, but the result of the surgery depends on the precise mind and sure hand of the surgeon.We wish you good luck! And remember that the result depends only on you!