Anxiety ( on Google Play
Anxiety: Your portable self help tool.All material was written by a licensed psychotherapist (LCSW) with twenty-five years of counseling experience.You first rate your level of anxiety on a color coded scale of 1 (slightly nervous) to 10 (panicked). You then move on to the first set of skills, where you will select one of ten different calming activities to perform.After following the instructions for the calming activity, proceed to Step 2 where you will select ways to change your thoughts. Changing your thoughts in order to change your feelings is the basis of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, the most widely practiced evidence based form of psychotherapy. After utilizing the thought changers, you proceed to Step 3 selecting a solution for the problem that triggered your anxiety.After implementing your solution, you rate your level of anxiety again in Step 4 in order to determine if the skills you chose were effective for you. If your level of anxiety has not reduced sufficiently, you will be given the opportunity to try again, selecting a different skill set.