ABCs for children / Азбука ( on Google Play

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Children's interactive application "ABC"( Русская азбука / букварь /алфавит) playfully introduces baby with Russian alphabet , involves children in learning letters and sounds . Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to the Russian thing , repeating its shape , so the child's education becomes a game with associations . Letter - it's not just a picture , it is a fun interactive situation . You can eat watermelon , scare away the fish in the lake, sew buttons, play hide and seek , shake off apples from the tree and catch on the fly beetle. For the convenience of the settings you can select the type of voice : "letter" , "sounds" or " poetry " ( the application has short funny poem to memorize the sound ) . The online application is full of music, fun and rustling sounds. Developing children's app "ABC rolls " no substitute for a primer , but acquaint kids with letters in the playful form. The project is made based on the children's book "ABC with holes " Svetlana Minkova .