Paranormal Case Report (appinventor.ai_TheDevilsDoor.ParanormalCaseReporting) on Google Play

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This app is specially designed to detail investigations and store them for future use. You also have the ability continue to add to the current investigation report or delete data as needed. Using your Haunted Location / Case Title box, this data will be used to tag your information in your reporting database. Say you investigate a location more than once, you now can add to an existing report and never lose your data. Just keep your existing Haunted Location / Case title box the same. You have the option to create a new report referencing to a present investigation. Just change the title box name and reference to the new date or case number. Adding or removing data entry information will keep your current database up to date.No need to use pad or paper, this information will always be current and secured in your Paranormal Case Report.This will be your ongoing database of all your paranormal investigations, easily accessible by your smart phone.