EPA 608 Practice (ads) (appinventor.ai_matt_suigeneris.EPA608ads) on Google Play
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Contains 140 questions to help you review for the EPA 608 Core, Type I, Type II, and Type III tests.Has both a practice mode and a test mode to see what you've missed.Core Section:- Ozone depletion - Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol - Section 608 regulations - Substitute refrigerants and oils - Refrigeration - Three Rs - Recovery techniques - Dehydration evacuation - Safety - Shipping Type I Section:- Recovery requirements - Recovery techniques - Substitute refrigerants and oils - General service and maintenance - Recovery techniques - General safety - Refrigerant cylinders - Refrigerant cylinder shipping Type II Section:- Leak detection and repair - Refrigeration - Recovery requirements - Recovery techniques - Refrigeration process - General safetyType III Section:- Leak detection and repair - Recovery techniques - Recharging techniques - Recovery requirements - Refrigeration - Refrigeration process - General safety - Recovery techniques – identifying refrigerants - Leak detection and repair - Recovery requirementsAd supportedUpgrade to the Pro version for test review and more questions.