Statistics for apps4urbiz:
- 97 % of developers have less apps
- 3 % of developers have more apps
Meredith PS (com.app_meredithprimaryschool.layout)
Rupo FC (com.app_rupo.layout)
Mowbray by the Sea (com.app_mowbray.layout)
Clunes Primary School (com.app_clunesprimaryschool.layout)
Koorie Youth (com.app_koorieyouth.layout)
Buninyong Primary School (com.app_buninyong.layout)
Beachlands Primary School (com.app_beachlandsps.layout)
Plinius Engineering Ballarat (com.app_pliniusengineering.layout)
Wilsons Fruit & Vegetables (com.app_wilsonsf.layout)
The Football Tipping Guru (com.epl)
Ballarat Specialist School (com.app_ballaratss.layout)
BYou (com.app_ysb.layout)
Trinity College Colac (com.app_trinitycollege.layout)
Specialists On Drummond (com.app_specialist.layout)
BFNC (com.app_bfnc.layout)
Thomas Mitchell PS (com.app_thomasmitchell.layout)
MOR (com.app_mor.layout)
Eureka Holiday Park (com.app_eurekahp.layout)
Commerce Ballarat (com.app_combal.layout)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.