flashlight Fun (br.com.ideatech.cocos2dx.funnylantern) on Google Play
Who has never been in a situation of power shortage , and often need to find a light to the meter in order to turn it on again or to solve any other issue when you find yourself in the dark, imagine a dark road at night with no light .So your problems are over , you now have the best flashlight application Google play with this wonderful application you can successfully illuminate when you 're in the dark , this application has the brightest light available in your phone because it does not uses lights display more but the light from the camera flash which is much stronger and brighter than the light from the display or the keyboard mobile.And even more so when you are in a dangerous situation you can put your flashlight to shine indicating that you need help because this is the only flashlight available for android operating systems you can set how often it flashes and how it flashes , so this is the flashlight more modern and comprehensive available.This application will not fill your mailbox and e- mail spam nor will send notification messages , much less bother you for you to enjoy something on facebook , twiter , Instagram , Pinterest or Google or 'll be telling everyone that you downloaded this application as do social networking video game ( Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation ) , much less asked her to log on some website .FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: Because this application requests access to the internet?A: This application requests access to the internet to show ads is how to generate the same revenue .