Gross Margin Calculator (ch.gugla.lechefs.margenrechner) on Google Play
Gross margin calculator that displays the calculations simultaneously in CHF, USD and EUR currencies. Two of the following values must be entered, the third value will be calculated: - Purchase price in CHF, USD or EUR - Selling price in CHF, USD or EUR - Margin in CHF, USD, EUR and PercentThe final calculation can be emailed for your records.Exchange rates are filled in manually or if registered with, downloaded from the internet.The local exchange rates must be entered at least once to ensure the calculation can be made. To receive exchange rates from the Internet, a APP_ID must be obtained from "Forever Free Plan" includes 1000 updates per month and should be sufficient in most cases. Remember that downloading the rates from the Internet, not using wifi, are maybe charged towards your data budget .The settings are automatically saved in the google cloud and restored when reinstalling the application. In case of suggestions, criticism or bugs please send an email to