Anti Task Killer Lite (com.Go.AntiKillerLite) on Google Play

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Favorite apps are always in memory!! Protect applications from closing system.Tired of that system terminates favorite applications at the most inopportune moment?? Closes them, you only switch/open another application? Anti Killer was created to solve this problem. Anti Killer - this is the tool that does not allow the system to cover the chosen application without serious need for it. This is the first and only app of its kind, which does not claim the Super User (Root) to perform its task, and then executes it is absolutely safe! This trial version of the application. In this version, you can raise the priority / protect the maximum single application. Also, the settings will not be saved between runs. The full version Anti Killer will be available for you to select up to five applications and Anti Killer will remember your choice.  Anti Killer is extremely simple to use:   - Launch Anti Killer and tick applications from the list, you do not want to allow the system to close to give them a high priority.   - Applications with high priority Anti Killer displays green.   - Short tap opens a window with detailed information about the application.   - Long tap opens the System Control Panel application.