Healing With Lucid Dreams (com.HealingWith.LucidDreams.AOVDDDZUYBJ) on Google Play
In the lucid dream scenario the individual is completely aware of the dream taking place. Meaning that in a lucid dream the dreamer can actually take part in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream. These dreams can be so realistic that it becomes really believable.Using the lucid dream method, the immune system can be “propped up” to accept and work with these suggested images to improve and increase the healthy state of its system.The lucid dream way of encouraging the positive stages of progress in an individual’s fight with any disease, especially with diseases like cancer, has to have the advantage of the best possible workings of its immune systems. This works as an advantage that does not require any invasive treatment to further burden the immune system.Thus the people, who have actually tried this form of treatment, attest to its success only when the relevant understanding of the condition is noted. The action taken in the lucid dream by the dreamer or character in the dream is a dominant factor in encouraging the immune system for return to its optimum functioning level.