Leadership Qualities (com.Leadership.Qualities.AOVDICOCIXY) on Google Play
A leader is defined as an individual who influences a group of people to act in a certain way in order to attain a certain goal. In this case, leadership is the process by which an individual enlists the support and aid of other people in an effort to accomplish a common goal or purpose. It is the creation of infrastructure for individuals to make contributions towards the attainment of a predetermined goal.Of course there is leadership that can be defined as effective and ineffective. At this particular juncture, effective leadership would be our main concern as being in a position to influence legions of people is only desirable when it is for the right course.Effective leadership incorporates the capacity to integrate as well as optimize successfully the use of the resources that are at your disposal whether in the internal or external environment in an effort to attain societal or organizational goals.Find out all that is being required of as being a leader and what qualities should a leader possess in this free app...