Darkdawn Ship Viewer (com.LeoCeballos.Dd_ShipViewer) on Google Play
The Darkdawn ship viewer allows you to check out some of the ships you will fly - or fly against - in the upcoming game Darkdawn: Encounters*. Learn more about the ships and the roles they played in the First Interstellar War. Once the game launches, the app will be updated with more ships and even space stations as they are added to the game. Updates will feature additional lore entries and complete in-game stats for all the main combat vessels. Augmented Reality Mode:You can also view the ships in an augmented reality mode. Just download and print out the Darkdawn holoprojector AR target here: http://www.darkdawn.co/artarget.html.NOTE: A device with a rear-facing camera is required to use Augmented Reality mode. Darkdawn: Encounters, currently in development, is a game of intense sci-fi capital ship combat featuring the ships seen in this app.*** Android Exclusive Early-Access for Darkdawn: Encounters available NOW***https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Leo.DarkDawn