Managing Moods (com.Managing.Moods.AOUXIEBWIYTFDASG) on Google Play
About Moods Mood is a powerful word. It actually comes from older words that mean spirit, mind, to strive, be energetic, and courage. It is also being referred to as customary behavior or custom. Thus, mood means way more than being happy or being sad. Moods encompass much from what you need in order to live. Spirit, mind, to strive, be energetic, and courage – are all related to moods and your sense of well being.Different Facts About Moods- Moods are your state of mind – whether you’re happy or lonely, afraid or angry, depressed or overjoyed. - Emotions and moods are strongly linked specifically to the structure of the center of your brain, where your unconscious activities are being controlled. - Moods actually have 3 elements – how one feels, what happens in the body, and what mood makes one do. - Certain experiences and memories are powerfully linked to your mind, the reason why they often triggers your mood automatically. Moods are considered as emotional state. They differs from emotions in a way that they’re less intense, less specific, and they’re less likely being triggered by particular events or stimulus. Moods also differ from personality traits or temperament which is longer lasting. Nevertheless, such personality traits like neuroticism and optimism predispose certain kinds of moods. Long- term mood disturbances such as bipolar disorder and clinical depression are also considered as mood disorders. Moods are subjective, internal state but they are often being inferred from behaviors and posture.In this app, you will learn the ways to handle the mood swings and come out into a happy state easily with some practice.