Bus Driver 3D Simulator (com.OpenWorldGaming.BusDriver3DSimulator) on Google Play
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Bus Driver 3D Simulator is a full 3D open world simulation game.You take control of a first person view character the bus driver, armed with weapons to defend yourself from wild animals roaming around.Approach any of the bus doors to enter and drive the bus by swiping the left part of the screen to move the character forward.While controlling the simulated 3d bus driver swipe the right half of the screen to look around the 3D environment.*Minimum Device Spec .Designed for modern fast HD phones and tabletsTo play this game we recommend you have a Quad core processor and at least 1 gig of Ram.Playing on a slower device will cause the game to crash.After entering the drivers door of the bus touch and drag the steering wheel to turn whilst holding the far left pedal to accelerate your vehicle.Press the camera button repeatedly to cycle through camera views.In cabin 3D drivers view is available as well as cinematic bus camera.