Trying Yoga for Better Health (com.TryingYogaFor.BetterHealth.AOVDRCMOBAJAEJXJIB) on Google Play
Yoga is far more than just a series of stretching exercises. It’s not some kind or religion or cult, and it doesn’t require one to turn into a vegan or sell all of their worldly possessions! It’s nothing like its stereotype.Yoga first came to the Western hemisphere in 1893 at the World’s Fair in Chicago. It was brought by Swami Vivekananda who was one of India’s most popular gurus.The word yoga gets its origins from the Sanskrit word “Yug”. It means to bind or join. Basically it is about unity of the physical body with the mind.It’s about “conscious living”.Yoga allows you to release the tension that can build up in your body. It helps the various parts of your body become lose and limber, from your muscles and joints to your tendons and ligaments. It can help back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, and much more.Learn more about using Yoga in daily lives and harnessing the benefits of it from this free app.