Active Explorer (com.aaas.activeexplorerapp) on Google Play
Send kids on fun, educational Quests with Active Explorer on their mobile devices!Educators, afterschool providers, group leaders, or parents log in to the Active Explorer website as leaders and create Quests for kids. Leaders then share the Quest number and password with their student explorers so they can complete the Quest.Using the Active Explorer app, kids participate in a Quest by capturing data via photo, video, audio, text, map coordinate, and/or graph.Similar to a scavenger hunt, a Quest might ask students to create data that includes:Notes about different kinds of seeds found in a kid's backyardPictures of items in a museum visited on a field tripVideos interviewing a kid's family membersMap coordinates showing the most popular restaurants in an explorer's townAs explorers work their way through the quest requirements, they can upload the resources they create to the Active Explorer website. Then, kids go to the website to use that data to make posters, comics, slide shows, and other SmartWorks to show off the information they compiled.Active Explorer collects no personally identifiable information from explorers. Both the website and the app are free of charge and ad-free. visit"> to learn more.