CBCN Flashcards Plus (com.abf.cbcnflashcardsplus) on Google Play
CBCN is a certification exam for nurses, Certified Breast Care Nurse (CBCN)CBCN® is the only nationally accredited breast care nursing certification that is available exclusively to registered nurses, and that encompasses the entire spectrum of breast care nursing practice.The certification test is a three-hour, 165 multiple-choice item test based on the CBCN® Test Blueprint. The Blueprint is based on the results of a role delineation study of basic breast care nursing practice conducted in 2012.The CBCN® Test Blueprint includes eight major subject areas, each with a percentage assigned to it. Many nurses who have passed the test tell us the Blueprint was essential in helping them know what areas to study. Remember, only generic drug names are used on ONCC tests. Once you pass the exam, your certification is valid for four years.Decks included:AbbreviationsMastectomyCancersDisordersEthicsResproductive