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APW Sense Theme (com.amb.wpsense) on Google Play
APW Theme~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This my new sense theme now for Android pro Widgets, i've made this one after some requests ! This Skin base on classic HTC Sense 2.0 ...Njoy it !=====================ALTERNATIVE OPTION buy from our store with paypal http://www.allo-mobile.fr =====================Like it ? don't forget to rate it and comment it !How to install ?Place the widget of your choise on the home screen, seek the cog in the right down corner of widget.After in the menu you need found "Theme..." and press on it, in the next menu seeks for the "Theme:name of the theme" and press on it, now set APW Sense and go back to your home screen !Njoy your new sense widgets :)Sense wallpaper http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/363/defaultwallpapero.jpg============================================My Facebook http://www.facebook.com/allomods============================================Also if you need a sense dockbar, install go louncher and search Go Sense theme free on google play :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~APW Theme