Unit Converter (Convert Value) (com.appsbazaar.unitconverter) on Google Play

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Simple & Friendly Unit Converter is a free unit conversion app that lets you do your day to day normal unit / metric conversions with ease. It only has the units that one normally requires and doesn't cram it with every other unit. So the user won't have to scroll through endless lists of units that he/she might never need.Available unit conversions include:- Temperature (Celsius, Fahrenheit, kelvin, etc)- Length (kilometer, miles, meter, yard, feet, etc)- Mass/Weight (kilogram, pound, ounce, ton, stone, etc)- Speed (km/h, mph, knot, etc)- Area (square kilometer, square mile, hectare, acre, etc)- Cooking Volume (teaspoon, tablespoon, cup, pint, quart, ounce, etc)- Pressure (kilo pascal, bar, PSI, etc)- Power (watt, kilowatt, horsepower, etc)- Energy (joule, calorie, BTU, etc)