Screen Lock/Disable Touch Pro (com.argotronic.touchblockerpro) on Google Play

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Buy the author of Screen Lock / Disable Touch a beer -- or simply support his work by purchasing this app.You need to get the free app itself here: or select Screen Lock / Disable Touch below.Wait -- you came here first and don't yet know what Touch Blocker is? Then let me briefly tell you (because it's free and even without donating here to unlock all options in my opinion rather useful).Touch Blocker prevents unintentional touch interaction with the touch screen of your device by blocking touch input. Disable touch input while watching Youtube and you don't have to worry about skipping scenes by accidentally touching the screen. Also useful if you hand your phone to someone (e.g. to show them a picture) and don't want them to mess with the device.The 'app' you are just reading the descripton of does not have a launcher icon. It's only purpose is to unlock the following features of the of the free version: - lock the volume keys when the touch input is disabled - hide the notification bar - add a configurable delay before the touch input is is disabled - a password can be set that is required to unlock the device - a widget to quickly easily disable touch input - an option to go FULLSCREEN (hide navigation and notification bar) -- up until Android 4.3 *ROOT* was required to use this thoughIn case you want to use this app with Netflix then here is a tutorial that shows you how to do it: disable touch,touch disabler,deactivate touch,block touch,touch blocker,touchscreen,no touch,prevent touch,touch screen,prevent accidential touches,block touch input,netflix