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God Save The Kitty (com.centermediagames.godsavethekitty) on Google Play
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There is a life of helpless creature in your hands!Just yesterday it was basking in the sun airily, but now the forces of evil have stolen it and drop from sky to the ground. Hurry up! You can rescue it! Draw clouds under the kitten and do not permit it to fall and crash. It’s rather simple: as higher an angle of cloud you’re drawing for the kitten, as mush your kitty will be translated to one or the other side. We ask you to create flat clouds! As bigger the drop height of the kitten, as higher it’ll rebound.During falling down kitten can’t only say meow helplessly, you should collect coins as a kind savior to buy a new skins for kitty. Help the kitty to collect coins and you’ll get much more points.Watch videos and get extra coins!Scrutinize your friend’s records! Become the best kitten savior ever! =)Persons who don’t like kittens can choose also the side of evil. The balance of the game is depending on your decision. Decide which kinds of saving or dying of the kitty we should add more in weekly update.Once again: draw clouds! The time has gone!Your voice matters! You can change the game ending and Kitty's destiny!Vote in Twitter, Facebook or other socials by messages with hashtags #godsavethekittylive for Kitty saving, or #godsavethekittydie for the really bad ending.We are monitoring your activity and every week we will add new endings and features depending on your choice.Change the future! Save The Kitty!Join our social groups:FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/godsavethekitty/VK: https://vk.com/godsavethekitty