Tribual quiz game (com.codesyntax.tribual) on Google Play
How to Play?Tribual is a simple game. Each game or match-up consists of fivequestions given to you and your opponent. The player with more correctanswers wins; in the case that you and your opponent have the samenumber of correct answers, the winner is the one who has answered inless time. If the number of correct answers and the time are the samefor both players, the match-up is considered a tie. Players start with2,000 points, and as they win and lose match-ups, their points andtheir ranking change. The points that are in play in each match-upvary depending on the ranking of both players.What are tribes?Tribual has different types of questions, and the game can be playedin different languages. By changing the language, you can play againstanother set of players (if you understand the language, of course!).But there are also groups for specific topics, like Mathematics andGeography, which are called tribes. That means that within a language,you can change your tribe, vary the question topics, and compete indifferent ranking.Tribual is a game created by CodeSyntax.