Texas STEM Summit 2014 (com.coreapps.android.followme.stemsummit2014) on Google Play

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The Texas STEM Summit 2014—sponsored by Chevron, TASA, and Syfr,—offers a unique opportunity to address strategies related to leading and managing in our rapidly changing world and preparing today's students for postsecondary education and the workforce. The Summit features a number of outstanding speakers in STEM fields. Presented in collaboration with TASA, the Summit will be facilitated by Christine Drew and Richard Erdmann of Syfr, who also designed TASA's 2013 Field Trip to Pixar and Autodesk.Every participating school district should expect to see an increase in STEM-related initiatives in the district. An increase could be measured as simply as the creation of a new robotics club or an increase in current STEM club participation; more enrollment or expansion in STEM courses; or even brand new course offerings related to HB5.