Blacksmith Forge VR Cardboard (com.corvusVR.BlacksmithForgeVR) on Google Play
Want to be in a blacksmith's forge? Then this is the VR app for you! (Made for Google Cardboard)* Uses HD assets to give an immersive experience.* Can use a BT gamepad controller to move.Visual immersion experience designed for 3D/VR viewers: Google Cardboard*, DODOcase, Durovis Dive, Refugio3D, vrAse, 3Deva, VReyeGO, GameFace, Homido, etc.* You can build Google Cardboard for cheap! to calibrate for drift or shaking: Simply leave the phone lying on a table for about 20 seconds.Have Fun! ;-)TIPS:Increase Screen Brightness to 100Disable Power Saving modeClose all other appsWear Headphones(Help Translate!