Plugins For Cordova (com.cranberrygame.pluginsforcordova) on Google Play
This app provides plugins for cordova.You can also download plugins in the following website. followings are the plugin list we provide.[Ad]Cordova Admob: show admob banner and full screen ad[android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk]requires admob account RevMob: show revmob popup, link, banner, full screen (including accepts video option) ad[android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk]requires revmob account Video Ad -Cordova Chartboost: show chartboost full screen (static interstitial, video interstial), more apps, rewarded video ad[android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk]requires chartboost account[Game]Phonegap Game: show leaderboard and achievements (google play game and game center, SDK)[android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk][IAP]Phonegap IAP: in app purchase[android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [phonegap build service]requires google play developer account apple developer account windows phone developer account wp8 is not yet supported[ShareApp]Phonegap Facebook: facebook login, wall post, publish score, top score, hi-score board[android, ios] [crosswalk android = android, crosswalk ios = ios] [cordova cli]requires facebook developer account plugins are registered in cordova plugin registry.