Lil Monster Dentist (com.crazedcube.lilmonsterdentist) on Google Play
Your patients are the scourge of the earth and you have been assigned to work on them before they eat you alive!So no need to wait, go ahead and start working on them now!As a top monster dentist you'll be able to:- Fix Rotten cavities- Get rid of zombie microbial bacterial infections- Spray down dead and swollen areas- Clean teeth with the latest in modern tools- Fix tooth decayLil Monster Characters include:- Lil Dracula- Lil Zombie Girl- Lil Evil Frankenstein- Lil Werewolf- Lil Mummy (lol)- Lil Swamp ThingYour life is on the line if you don’t fix these monster’s teeth. You will do your best to make them right! You are the best in all of Horrorville! Go ahead and make them smile again!