Dry Fire Par Time Tracker (com.csl1911a1.dryfirepartimer) on Google Play

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Dry Fire Par Time Tracker is superior to other Par Timers in that it supports:1. Repetition of each exercise without pressing the start button2. Retains the history of your practice sessions (limited in free version).3. Computes statistics of your progression over time (limited in free version).4. Supports a database of exercises (limited in free version).5. Basic (Simple) format. Enter a Par Time, Delay and the number of reps. Dry Fire Par Timer repeats the exercise.6. Advanced format. The Advance Format allows you to tune the Par Times and Delay Times to your specific exercise. You can perform the repetitions at a decreasing par time, set an initial delay differently than the other delays and also randomize the delay times to limit anticipation of the beep. 7. Export your practice sessions and par times to Excel. For those of you who want to analyze your practice sessions differently than that built into Dry Fire Par Time Tracker, I have added the capability to export your results to Excel in the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.The "Free Version" limits the exercise database to 5 exercises total. You can change the included exercises to any name and description you want. The "Free Version" also limits the history to 15 days. ***********Displayed images are of my personal database. These exercises and stats are not included. The application comes with 5 installed example exercises. With the free version, you may change them as you need to. ***********Purchasing the "Full Version Upgrade" for just a small fee will:1. Unlock the database so that you may create as many exercises as you want or need.2. Remove the 15 day history limitation so you can see your progress over several months and years.3. Remove the advertising banner.Remember, always make sure your firearm is unloaded and the magazines are empty. Practice safe gun handling.Dry Fire Par Time Tracker is becoming the most comprehensive dry fire training tool on the market. In fact, it may already be the most comprehensive dry fire training tool on the market. You can decide.Enjoy the app. Email if you have issues or would like to see upgrades.