Mobile Dungeons Roguelike RPG (com.debia.mobiledungeon) on Google Play
New roguelike RPG Mobile Dungeons. Amazing gameplay with many rpg features. For all roguelike-fans.7 rpg classes:VikingBlack MageWarriorPiratePaladinBarbarianSlave3 rpg levels with different monsters: Ruins, Forest, Tower.9 kinds of monstersMany rpg elements:LevelupsExperienceHit pointsMana pointsAttack levelMana potionHealth potionEverytime new level generation. In best roguelike rpg traditions monsters has regeneration as well as you. And that's not all. You and monsters can be poisoned. You can be affected mana burn, mana lock like in tradition rpg.Game has scoreioid implementationMany spells like Poison, Heal, First strike, etc.Use ability of your hero to beat all evildoers!Many abilities: Absorb, Dodge, Regeneration, etc.We love roguelike rpg tradition.Pixel-graphics rpg.Same experience as on desktop.