Analytix Widgets (com.dibbus.analytix.widgets) on Google Play
Analytix is the long awaited free add-on for Analytix Pro and Analytix HD users. Widgets can be configured using lots of different options, dimensions, metrics, themes etc.Each widget can be refreshed just by hitting the widget itself. This widget is offering you:1. Dimensions(Browser, Mobile, Country, Visitortype, Days since last visit, Medium, Operating system, Screen resolution, Source, City and Region)2. Metrics(Visits, Visitors, New visits, Pageviews, Transactions, Transaction revenue, Completed goals)3. Top 3 pages4. Top 3 referrers5. Summary of transactions, goals and revenues6. Summary of visitors, time on site and new visits7. Summary of visits, pageviews and bouncerateMetrics are displayed as a bar chart. Dimensions will be displayed as a pie chart.If you haven't bought Analytix Pro, you can still use this widget, however, it's functionality is limited to just the use of Dimensions. If you buy Analytix Pro, those other widgets will be unlocked immediately.