Virtual Turntable Free ( on Google Play
Plug your Android device into your DJ mixer and mix in songs with this professional quality application! ** Now x86 Intel Device Compatible! **Features:· ±20% Pitch Control with ±0.01% Accuracy· Pitch Preservation/Lock Functionality· Waveform Generation & Seeking· Auto-Silence Skipping· 3-Band Equalizer with Kill and Reset Switches· Fast, Reactive, and Intuitive DJ Controls· Fully Featured Music Browser· Professional Performance Modes and Options· Works on all Phones and Tablets· Works in Landscape and Portrait Modes· Compatible with Android 2.3/Gingerbread and NewerE-Mail me anytime at TachyonDev@TachyonDev.comThanks so much for your business!JaredTachyonDev, LLCCredits: UX Consulting - Derk Doijer