Pocket Coruna (com.dolphinziyo.corunaentubolsillo) on Google Play
Pocket Coruña brings to you the information about all the most important places in the city of La Coruña (Galicia, Spain), museums, monuments and many more. If you are planning to come to La Coruña and you don't know what to see or if you would like to know what are the highlight places in the city this is your app.In Pocket Coruña you can see a very large list of interesting places to see to go sightseeing, with a few information of the place history, contact information, how to get to it, preestablished routes and a list of events available in the city, all without network connection required. You will only need to connect your mobile phone to the internet in order to update the events list, once updated you will have the full list of events in La Coruña right in your pocket.