Live FX Camera effects Full (com.eawapps.livefxfull) on Google Play
The ultimate camera effects application, 30 free live camera effect filters, apply sketch, colour, mirror and distortion effects in real time with a live preview!● Custom filter creator: Combine effects with the editor in an order of your choice e.g. Sketch and then Wave, or Ripple, Invert then Edge detect. Chain up to 6 effects at once for 50 Million+ permutations!!● Load existing photo● Not post-processed effects, real time effects applied to the camera feed!● A number of effects are animated, like water reflection, ripple, twist and wave effects!● Menu system shows live previews of 6 filters at once!Effects include:● One Colour - touch the screen to set the colour - takes photos just like our icon● Sketch● Thermal camera simulation● Strong Lens / fisheye / bulge● Narrow focus● Blur● Emboss● Edge detect● Wavey - animated● Water reflection - animated● Ripple - animated● Twist / twirl - animated● TV Pixels - animated● Pixelate / pixelated - animated● Mirrors● Colour filters, sepia, greyscale● Zoom if your camera supports it● Multicamera support for those who have more than one camera and Android 2.3.3+● Saves photos to SD Card DCIM/LiveFX/EULA and privacy statement here (also available in app):