Blood Circulation (com.hypnosistodaystore.apps004) on Google Play
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Do you often find yourself chest pain, shortness of breath, or headache? You might think that is a high risk of heart attack? Low or poor blood circulation can develop a variety of health problems. It may result in Cold Feet & Hands, Itching, Eye Problems, Muscle Cramps, Numbness, Blood Clots, Carpal Tunnel, Cardiovascular Disease, and Memory Loss.To improve your blood circulation throughout your body and lower your risk of a heart attack, besides increasing physical activity, making lifestyle changes, you can use our blood circulation healing tone. This tone helps to stimulate normalized blood circulation by using frequencies in the range of 337hz. Blood circulation is responsible for the action that moves nutrients, gases and wastes to and from cells, and helps to stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain harmony. We cannot live without our blood circulating throughout our body. How To Use?It is important to keep in mind that some of these tones can be very intense. Please use these tones through your own discretion. If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms due to these tones, give yourself time to allow the frequency cleansing to do its work as your body is attempting to purge energetic debris that may cause such results such as: headaches, neck stiffness, sore throat, indigestion, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and more. What you are experiencing is no different than going through a food detoxification. These symptoms simply relate to energetic detoxification where you may experience symptoms while going through the process. If you are experiencing these symptoms in any way, what can be very helpful is drinking a large amount of fresh water daily at least 4-6 glasses. Center yourself in nature and allow the plants/trees/environment heal you and bring you back to balance. These tones are not dangerous in any way, only intense, so please do not panic if you are experiencing these symptoms. They are common, temporary and will pass.If you feel that you are overwhelmed by the intensity of the audio tracks, do not feel that you need to push yourself to listen to them entirely. Stop the track you’re listening to, hydrate yourself, balance yourself and take a break. Also remember that these tones are merely a tool to assist in your rejuvenation. They are in no way a substitute for your doctor, but only an addition to assisting with your health on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.How Does It Work?Isochronic Tones- If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic tones are the way to go. Isochronic Tones also use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater, causing the brain to synchronize with the rhythm. In 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. published a case in the Journal of Neurotherapy which showed that a group of 8 college students increased their GPA with the use of audio brainwave stimulation, and their GPA continued to increase even after the brainwave entrainment was finished....