Depression: Mood Booster (com.hypnosistodaystore.apps008) on Google Play

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This app was created to help the 10 million Americans who suffer from depression each year. Information about depression, and methods to combat it, are offered to your conscious mind in an enlightening dialog on Track Two. You listen and give your approval to the ideas you find acceptable. Track Three is the trancework that offers these ideas to your subconscious mind through mood boosting suggestions soothingly spoken. Thoughts are things. You cannot see them, but you know they are real because you have them.Thoughts and emotions create brain chemistries called peptides. Our bodies become addicted to these molecules of emotion that it receives on a regular basis like the depressing chemicals and imbalances caused by depression. We are creatures of habit in this way. By changing our thoughts, we change our brain chemistry in ways that create a new creature, one that can pour out the euphoric chemistries, change habits, develop self-loving ideas and lifestyles, and re-discover our Real self. Medical hypnosis is an effective way to access the mind-body connection and communicate these ideas to the subconscious mind, to manifest them in our life.