Nautical1/ GOSMSTHEME (com.jb.gosms.theme.nautical1rdl) on Google Play
THIS THEME WILL NOT OPEN DIRECTLY FROM THE ICON OR FROM THE GOOGLE PLAY STORE - YOU MUST APPLY IT THROUGH GO SMS PRO - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD GO SMS PRO (it's FREE!)INCLUDED IN THIS GO SMS THEME:-Custom Inbox Background-Custom Chatroom Background-Custom Chat Bubbles-Custom SMS Popup Window-Custom Top Bar & Bottom Bar-Custom Text Interface-Custom Font Colors (if you do not like the font color that the themes comes with, you can customize the theme font and font colors in the settings menu under the "advanced" tab in Go SMS Pro. This can be done with ANY Go SMS Pro theme).TO APPLY THIS THEME:Step 1: Install GO SMS PRO from the Market/Google Play (it's FREE!) Step 2: Open the GO SMS PRO application on your phoneStep 3: Hit "MENU"Step 4: Hit "THEMES"Step 5: Locate this theme's name/preview image until the INSTALLED tabStep 6: Click on the image preview or the one named the correct theme's nameStep 7: Hit "APPLY"Step 8: Hit the back button on your phone until you are brought back to the main inbox (the theme should now be applied)If you liked this theme, please check out our other creations by clicking here: RDLCustomsThank you for your support and let us know if you need any assistance by contacting us via email at :) Respectfully,RDLCustomsThis go sms theme has a nautical look. The background is blue and there are anchors in the chat room and in box. The red chat bubbles have with stars on theme.