Draw On Pictures (com.km.draw.photodraw) on Google Play
Draw on any of the pictures and share it with your friends, family by email, twitter, facebook or any other photo sharing application.Draw on a blank canvas or on a photo. Make pictures more pretty by drawing on them as you draw on a pad with drawing. Drawing on Photos gives you easy access to huge Art with simple drawing skills. Love or Hate someone? Convey the message with pictures and drawing. Draw on their picture and let them know. Have a crush on some one? Take their picture and Draw Something on their picture and share it with them. When you draw a love message or something pretty people will like that. Now supports being able to select multiple Drawing Pencil Widths. With multiple Stensils and tools, draw the art on draw Pad with photos.Draw a nice reminder on photo's and messages on photos and convey them to friends and family.Now you can Pick a photo from Facebook either yours, your friends and draw on the picture. You can take a new photo and draw on that picture.If you want to Edit your photo's this is the right app for you. Edit your photo and draw anything including writing love messages on the photo's. Share the photo's again with friends and family.Now you can save the pictures with art directly into your phone or with draw on photos you can set the Drawing on Photo as Wallpaper.You can draw on pics you and save it to your phone gallery, Share with friends or set the Drawing on Pics as your wallpaper.