D-GLES (com.kokak.DoomGLES) on Google Play
D-GLES is an unofficial 3D hardware accelerated source port of the Doom Engine, using OpenGLES. It exploits the graphics processor of your smartphone / tablet to deliver amazing graphics not present in the original version.In D-GLES games, you are a soldier who fights hordes of Demons on strange planets !/****************************************************/If you experience crashes when you try to play another IWAD, please delete the "-loadgame 6" in the command line option on the launch window./****************************************************/It supports:- High resolutions- Realtime dynamic lighting- Particles effects- 3D Monsters and objects (MD2)- Blood projections- Realistic water effect- Glow- Lens Flares- Godrays- Realtime shadows- Xperia Play gamepad buttons (touchpads not supported yet, probably later)- Keyboard support (USB, bluetooth, embedded)- Gamepads support (analog sticks support on Android >= 3.1): Moga, Shield, X360, ...- Buttons mapping (Xperia Play / USB GamePads / Keyboard)- Android TV support: A gamepad is highly recommended, without it you could run the app, but not really enjoy it because of the lack of buttons.----------------------------------------D-GLES comes with Freedoom and Requiem megawad.If you own commercial games (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT or Plutonia), copy the wad files in your device at this location: /sdcard/Kokak/DoomGLES/!!! COMMERCIAL FULL GAME IWADS ARE NOT PRESENT IN THIS RELEASE !!!More details on playing commercial games and custom pwads here: http://kokak.free.fr/android/DGLES.htm#wadsRead here to know how to control D-GLES: http://kokak.free.fr/android/DGLES.htm#controlsHere how to setup a network game: http://kokak.free.fr/android/DGLES.htm#networkIf you have any problem, any question or suggestion, don't hesitate to email me or visit the faq here:http://kokak.free.fr/android/DGLES.htm#faqHistory here: http://kokak.free.fr/android/DGLES.htm#newsFollow us on http://www.facebook.com/KokakGamesThis app is a source port released under the GPL license. "Doom" is a trademark of "id software". All trademarks are used under the terms of fair use: usage is nominative. Kokak is not connected with "id Software".