What's After the Credits? (com.luvcalgames.whatsafterthecredits) on Google Play
Don't you hate when you wait for all the credits to roll after a movie, and there is no stinger? Even more, don't you hate when you don't stay for the end of the credits, and find out that there was a stinger?!? With "What's After the Credits", you can instantly and discreetly find out if there are any features during and/or after the credits. Just type the movie's title and a list will appear that matches your text as you type. Click on that title, and get instant results about whether or not there is a stinger. It is dead-simple to use, and best of all, because of the simple, dark backgrounds, it can be pulled up in the theater without disturbing other movie-goers; no bright lights or flashing colors! Also, there are NO SPOILERS included in the descriptions!!To keep it simple and quick, it doesn't attempt to connect to the internet to get this information, and simply relies on weekly app updates to keep up with the current releases.