Tournament Poker Manager (com.madapps.tournamentpokermanager) on Google Play

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With Poker Tournament Manager playing poker with your friends becomes so much easier!The Setup includes:* Custom number of players* Selection of predefined prize structures * Choose the blind increase time* Fully customized buyins* Support for 12 different currencies* Inital stack selection* Ability to include rebuys and addons up to level 5.Features in game include:* Timer with the remaining time for each level* Current and next blind level* Alert sounds on 1 minute left, 5 seconds left and level increase* Stats include players left, average stack and total prizepool* Prize distribution for the selected structure* Timer control button* Level button (allows to skip, restart or go back in levels)* Rebuys and Addons with automatic update of the stats and prize distribution* 5 Themes with different colors availableAvailable in: English, French and Portuguese.