Poweramp skin Gold Glow Magic (com.maxmpz.poweramp.skins.goldglowmagic) on Google Play

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Gold Glow Magic Poweramp skin Theme gives your Poweramp a brand new luxury look and makes your smartphone and Tablet to a unique designer piece as Music Player.NOTE:This app contains only the Poweramp skin Theme Gold Glow Magic.More apps and widgets of Gold Glow Magic design line are available on google Play Store.Instructions:This is a skin/theme for Poweramp 2.x. This is not a separate application.Install Poweramp first, then the Gold Glow Magic Poweramp skin.How to set:Settings > Look and Feel > Theme > Gold Glow Magic Any suggestion is appreciated.magic4works@gmail.comMade in Germany - copyright© all rights reserved magic4worksmagic4worksGoldGlowMagicPOWERAMP SKIN AND SKINS POWER AMP com.maxmpz.audioplayer.skincom.maxmpz.audioplayer.widget OR poweramp widget