materiaL RED (CM11/PA THEME) (com.mlv.quantumRED) on Google Play
BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL PRICE** materiaL RED **Theme with inspired by Android™ L guidelines with my own touch (like materiaL) , with a beautiful RED accent colorWhats themed:# Notification/quicktiles# Settings (icons, toggles...)# Keyboard (google/AOSP) # Soft keys# Dialer # Volume sliders# menu's bg's (light elements are now whiter, you could see it on gmail/gcalendar header)# Unlock ring (normal&maximized)# loading spinner, progress bars,etc# 2 xclusive walls# I might forgot something... :D*to use only with new theme chooser engine*made for XXHDPI phones.*Used CyanogenMod™ 11S as base.(although OPO users are having issues with dialerIf you want to get all the icons search on play store > Shapes&Shades