HTC Droid 4G (com.mobilereference.HtcDroid4G) on Google Play

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This concise HTC Droid 4G manual provides step-by-step instructions onhow to do everything with your HTC Droid FASTER. The HTC Droids arehighly customizable smart phone that use the Android operating system.You will unlock hidden secrets on your HTC Droids, such as how todownload FREE eBooks, send email from your phone, surf the web, andread news for FREE.This HTC Droid 4G guide includes:- Getting Started- Button Layout- Navigating the Screens- Making Calls- Using the Speakerphone During a Voice Call- Staring a Conference Call- Managing Your Contacts- Adding a New Contact- Adding a Favorite Contact (Speed Dial)- Text Messaging- Adding Texted Phone Numbers to Contacts- Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Text- Sending Picture and Video Messages- Using the Internet Browser- Photos and Videos- Taking Pictures- Capturing Videos- Using the Email Application- Changing Email Options- Managing Applications- Sharing an Application- Using the Android Market to Download Applications- Reading User Reviews- Deleting an Application- Reading an eBook on Your Phone- Downloading thousands of free eBooks- Adjusting the Settings- Turning Vibration On and Off- Setting Alert Sounds- Changing the Wallpaper- Setting a Passcode, Pin, or Pattern Lock- Changing Keyboard Settings- Changing Photo Settings- Turning the Mobile Network On and Off- Turning Bluetooth On and Off- Turning Wi-Fi On and Off- Turning Airplane Mode On and Off- Tips and Tricks- Using Voice Search- Maximizing Battery Life- Resetting Your Phone- Viewing the Full Horizontal Keyboard- Calling a Number on a Website- Troubleshooting- List of Droid-friendly websites that save you time typing in long URL addresses